The military operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), launched on August 6, 2024, began two and a half years after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Within a few days, Ukrainian forces captured the city of Sudzha and numerous border settlements, causing a flow of refugees toward Kursk.
By mid-August, the AFU had established control over an area of about 1,000 square kilometers in the Kursk region. According to statements by Russian authorities, more than 130,000 residents of the region became refugees. Many of them still live in temporary accommodation camps with no hope of obtaining new housing.
Kursk residents have grown accustomed to ignoring air raid sirens sounding day and night. A counter-terrorist operation regime has been introduced in the region, checkpoints have been set up on the roads, and government institutions have been converted into refugee assistance centers.
The AFU invasion became the first military incursion into Russian territory since World War II. Ukrainian forces continue to hold significant parts of the Kursk region to this day.